Don’t slip into the muck and mire of gossip!


Gossip is a terrible sin. It is a sin against God and the body of Christ. Gossip not only tears down the person but also plants seeds of suspicion and despise in the mind of the hearer. Gossip spreads faster than cancer. Many by nature love to ‘gossip’ but would not accept it easily! They will try to cover it up under various disguises like “I am just showing concern, sharing for prayer, or trying to help” etc. In fact, they have no desire to help and never really tried to do so. Gossip is the sin of pride and arrogance. It is the disease of the soul! We gossip because we think we have the right to do so about others. We think we can back bite about others and harm their reputation and character. We think we are superior and capable enough to do it! But who gave us the right to gossip about another person? Who gave us the sanction to bad mouth another person in the church? God did not! The church leadership did not!! Then why are we bent upon doing such a heinous crime? Yes, You heard it right. Gossip is a crime because it is “character assassination!” It has devastating effect on the person and it can destroy the church! Gossip separates close friends Proverbs 16:28! Spirit filled believers will never gossip because they would not dare to grieve the Spirit of God and offend their Lord Jesus Christ. The devil is the father of gossip, false accusation, back biting and whispering evil about others. Shun his association, slay the sinful desire to gossip and stay away from those who love and live only to gossip! Don’t slip into the muck and mire of gossip!

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